Software & Service
for transparency, security and efficiency of your data

We make your data structure, access rights and your Active Directory objects visible and your structures manageable – for efficient work and successful migrations.

Our services relating to your data

File server analysis

From “data graveyard” to efficient and secure collaboration – migRaven’s holistic file server analysis ensures transparency with regard to the current state of your Active Directory and file server structures.

Migration of data and permissions

Data and authorization migration projects are complex and can quickly become a cost trap for companies or fail completely if they simply adopt old, inefficient structures. We offer you a sustainable and scalable solution.

Data management

After restructuring or migrating your file servers, it is important to secure your investment in your data in the long term and sustainably. We will help you to avoid creating new data chaos.

Your benefits when working with migRaven

Clean up file server?

Suppose we just leave everything as it is…

The amount of data in companies is increasing rapidly and the mountain of data is growing – if you want to work securely, effectively and cost-efficiently, sustainable data management is the only option.

No data found


220 days * 1h * 40 € * 1.000 MA = 8.800.000 €

Calculated loss per year at 1.000 MA due to inefficient work with the file system according to Gartner.

Clean data and authorization structures reduce the search effort for your employees, preserve the value of your data and relieve your IT department. Get advice now or test it directly!

Our references

These companies are already successfully using migRaven solutions

About migRaven

Many people can simply migrate data – we go two steps further. Our goal is not only to migrate file servers efficiently, but Structure and transparency into your data chaos. Our user-centered solution of software and service enables your employees to manage data and authorizations intuitively and securely.

Convince yourself of our testimonials

We have already successfully implemented several hundred data management and migration projects – our customers also confirm this.



migRaven GmbH specializes in the development and provision of software solutions for data and authorization management on file servers as well as data migration. We thus provide a comprehensive solution for the management and optimization of file servers that supports both the IT department and the end users. From our headquarters in Berlin, we offer support and services to customers worldwide.
We offer comprehensive tools to optimize data management, access rights and directory structures as well as to reduce your storage costs. Our file server analysis provides detailed insights to improve the security and efficiency of your data management. Of course, we also show you how you can eliminate data chaos in the long term with sustainable data management. We also support you in migrating your data to Sharepoint or Windows - of course also in combination with a file server analysis and sustainable data management.

Our software solutions for efficient data and authorization management can be used in any company across all industries. However, our services are specifically tailored to the needs of large companies with around 300 employees or more, so that you can optimize the management of data and access rights, clean up directory structures and reduce storage costs.

We understand holistic data management as a comprehensive approach to managing data that covers all aspects of the data lifecycle - from capture and storage to use, analysis and archiving. We thus ensure that you efficiently eliminate data chaos, effectively use your data as a valuable resource and increase the security of your file servers.

The data owner principle is a concept in data management where certain users or user groups are defined as responsible for certain data or directories. These data owners have specific rights and responsibilities with regard to the management and maintenance of the data assigned to them. The goal of this principle is to decentralize data management and ensure that the people who are most familiar with the data have control over it.

With our tools, you can optimize your IT infrastructure on various levels. On the one hand, the combination of analysis, migration and sustainable data management ensures greater security and efficiency. On the other hand, you can use our solutions to manage access rights, clean up directory structures and reduce storage costs.
As part of our file server analysis, we specifically uncover security gaps in the management of access rights and help you to permanently resolve them. This increases the security of your data and protects your server from unauthorized access.
As a specialist in data migration, we support you in migrating cloud systems, but also traditional file servers and SharePoint environments. Our tools are designed to be flexible and can be adapted to various cloud platforms in order to migrate your data securely and efficiently.
SharePoint migrations are particularly complex and around 90 percent of all file servers cannot be easily migrated to SharePoint. We know the pitfalls and ensure that your data is transferred precisely to the new SharePoint environment to ensure smooth updating and optimization of your SharePoint systems and save up to 50 percent in costs.
The migRaven migration solutions are designed for NTFS-based storage systems among each other or towards the cloud. The tool is designed to orchestrate both simple and advanced migrations across cloud services and between Windows, DFS (AD), EMC and Netapp systems.

Download now for free: Our white paper on the topic

“End chaos on the file server and save costs”

Convinced? Then contact us!


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