Mapping the mountain of data

In today's digital world, the situation is the same on many file servers: the mountains of data grow every day, driven by the seemingly unlimited possibilities of storage solutions and cloud technologies. At first glance, this development appears to be an optimal solution, but upon closer inspection, essential questions arise: How does a file system remain functional if it resembles a parking garage without an exit? Where are my essential files in this sea of ​​information?

The solution: clearing out the mountain of data

The answer lies in effectively managing the mountain of data consisting of ROT (redundant, obsolete, trivial) data. Clearing out this data may seem strange at first and cause fear of loss - no one likes deleting data that could potentially still be useful. But “clearing away” does not necessarily mean final deletion, but rather the creation of order. By sorting out obsolete data, the folder structure is automatically simplified. The newest and most relevant files come to the foreground. This not only leads to more efficient data management and higher data protection, but also makes granting permissions easier and more cost-effective.

With the 3D data heatmap you can find the mountain of data

Our feature migRaven.24/7 Analyzer revolutionizes the way you visualize and optimize your data structure with the 3D data heatmap. This innovative solution allows you to identify both relevant and obsolete data in your existing folder structure at a glance.

How the heatmap works

migRaven goes through all the data on your file server and saves relevant information such as the modification date in its own database. Based on this “LastChangeDate”, migRaven classifies your documents into age categories and shows how deeply they are anchored in your folder structure. Using color codes - red-orange hues for areas of high document density - you get a clear visual representation of your data distribution.

Independent categorization of your data

You are in control: Decide for yourself at what age data should be considered obsolete. A common practice is to place data older than two years in this category. This flexibility enables data management tailored to your needs.

The result: Clear insights and optimization potential

In addition to the visual preparation of your data structure migRaven.24/7 Analyzer key metrics and KPIs to help you manage your data more effectively. This combination of visual representation and detailed analysis is a powerful tool to optimize your data management and make relevant information quickly accessible.

New: Detailed information about the directories

From now on you have the opportunity to not only view the number of files per age category and directory depth, but also to retrieve detailed lists for each directory.

Advanced insights with just one click

With a simple click on a cell in our heatmap table, you open a list that provides valuable information: you see the exact path names, the number of files in each location, and the space occupied by these files. This feature gives you deeper insight into your data structure and helps you make more efficient decisions about data management and storage.

Flexible access points for detailed information

You can open the list in two ways:

  1. By clicking on any cell in the table.
  2. Via linked numbers in our information tiles.
Click on the image to see the original size.
If you click on a cell in the table (1), the sidebar opens with information about the directories (2)

Next step: freeing yourself from the mountain of data

Would you like to offer your digital parking garage an exit? Let go of outdated data and remove the mountain of data step by step.

After you have gained a comprehensive overview of the distribution of obsolete data with the 3D data heatmap and the detailed information has given you precise insights into the old directories, it is now time to act.

Efficient data archiving with data retention

With our Data retention feature You can specifically move outdated data to an archive. This is done either once or by setting policies for regular, automated archiving. This keeps your file system permanently tidy and efficient.

Integration of specialist departments

An important aspect is the involvement of the specialist departments in this process. Through their participation, data management becomes a collective concern and significantly increases acceptance within the workforce.

Prevention of future mountains of data

In order to prevent future data accumulation, the Folder Self Service in migRaven.24/7 allows users to manage newly created folders themselves. These folders can be assigned a term from the start, after which data is automatically removed - a proactive measure to keep your digital parking garage efficient and clear.

Summary and Outlook

With the tools and strategies presented by migRaven.24/7 We have shown you a comprehensive way to efficiently and sustainably manage the mountain of data in your company. From the initial analysis with the 3D data heatmap to proactive data management through data retention and folder self service - every function is aimed at optimizing your data structure and clarifying the digital workspace.

Integrating these tools into your daily data management not only means significantly simplifying processes, but also ensuring long-term data quality and security. The involvement of specialist departments also increases awareness of the value and correct handling of data throughout the company.

We are at the beginning of a new era of data management where transparency, efficiency and user-friendliness are at the forefront. Let's take this path together and transform your digital landscape into a structured, efficient and future-proof environment.