migRaven.24/7 Based on the selected resource (e.g. a DFS drive), Analyzer clearly displays essential information on the data structure and the Active Directory. Data is classified and authorizations checked. This helps Administrators, data owners and possibly also users to gain an understanding of the data structures or their own data and to make informed decisions.
- The Best Practice Analysis shows the permission levels and identifies inheritance breaks and direct permissions. [detail]
- The Obsolete Data Analysis returns the number of directories and files and their total size that have exceeded a certain age. [detail]
- The Accounts Report creates an exportable list of all direct and indirect permissions of a user account. [detail]
- The Data heat map provides information about the distribution of files according to age and directory depth. [detail]
- File Type Analysis you can search specifically for certain file types and their storage space usage. [detail]
- The analysis Data usage by departments provides information about the use of storage space by people, departments and groups. The analysis also provides valuable Notes on possible data owners of a directory. [detail]
Could you answer these questions today?
- How many objects do we have and can the target platform handle this amount of objects?
- What file types do we have and are they compatible with the target platform?
- How are the permissions organized and are they compatible with the target platform?
- Which records are accessed most frequently (hot) and less frequently (cold)?
- What should be migrated to the new platform?
- What and how much can be archived or deleted beforehand?
- Who determines what data when asked? (data owner)