migRaven.24/7 with AWS cloud storageImplement archive and backup inexpensively and with high performance

migRaven.24/7 removed as part of data retention Policies obsolete data from the file system and makes it as central Archive accessible elsewhere. Access to this cold data is the exception and therefore requires little performance. The effort required to manage this data is also reduced by the migRaven.24/7 enforced read-only approach enormous.

On average, about 80% of all data in the file system is cold

What remains, however, are the growing costs of storing and backing up the archive - and here it comes Amazons AWS Storage comes into play! AWS is downright cheap when it comes to storage and backup of unused data. Terabytes can be saved and saved for a few hundred euros a year - including direct access from the file system familiar to all users.

In short: Thanks to the outdated mountain of data migRaven.24/7 conveniently outsource to the AWS Cloud to massively reduce storage costs.


Compare yourself with the AWS price calculator


The advantages in a nutshell:

  • Massive relief of your storage system,
  • OSafe outsourcing of bsolete data for a few € 100 / TB / year,
  • Hhighest performance for relevant data,
  • Order in the file system.

The AWS Storage Gateway

The Storage Gateway software from Amazon is simply installed on your own hardware and integrates an AWS volume via iSCSI as a share in the file system. This share is defined as the target path for the migRaven archive. Finished! The AWS Share is not only transparently integrated into the local file system from the administrator's point of view. The user can also access the archived data directly in the file system without rethinking if an old document is needed. Just like in the concept of migRaven.24/7 is provided.

Very easy: Use AWS Storage as secondary storage


Learn more about the AWS Storage Gateway



As a specialist for data management in the file system, we know the value of your company data and the resulting requirements for order, security, data protection and performance. The clean separation of the obsolete data through migRaven.24/7 allows for the first time to use the advantages of a cloud storage specifically for this mountain of data without deviating from the principles of file server data management.

As an official AWS Partner migRaven GmbH supports you with the introduction of migRaven.24/7 of course when integrating your AWS storage.
Talk to us now!


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