Identification of the data owner Nobody lets the carpenter clean up his filing cabinet

Nobody would think of going to the carpenter of their filing cabinet to ask him how many shelves he can put in, how many folders he should put in, when he can remove the folders again or who he can give the key to the cabinet .

But this absurd situation prevails in most IT environments. The topic of structure and permissions is mostly a topic for the IT department. However, the file owner (data owner) is the only one who knows what to do with the data.

No data management, no restructuring and new authorization of the file system, no clean file server migration and no subsequent recertification can however work without the participation of the data owners.

Therefore migRaven offers extra analyzes to determine the data owners and the option of including them in the project directly in the software to include

How do you find the data owners of all directories?

In smaller environments with only a few user accounts, like which makes question may seem rather strange. The relevant contact persons are usually known personally. In large file systems with thousands of Users however, this is only in exceptional cases the case. If you don't want to ask yourself literally for each directory, you have to try to determine possible data owners by evaluating the file system and the active directory.

This is practically impossible with Windows on-board resources in grown structures create. migRaven.24/7 solves the problem by scanning the NTFS file owners and providing an overview of who created how many files in a directory. The user who created the most files is either the data owner of the directory or knows the data owner. In the next step you can migRaven.24/7 Webinterface simply assign the data owner rights to the identified file owner.

From this point on, the data owner can become active himself and decide that, for example, certain directories can be archived obsolete and ad hoc, authorizations must be adapted or archiving policies should be assigned to specific directories.


31.05.2019 | 2: 21 minutes | Presentator: Thomas Gomell


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