The perfect directory structure for businesses? That's how it's done!

07.02.2023 | 64:00 minutes | Thomas Gomell & Anke Weidlich-Langer

How to clean up your chaotic file server and structure the file storage perfectly.

General rules - individual solution

Thomas Gomell (Enterprise Architect) and Anke Weidlich-Langer (media psychologist) show: There is no perfect directory structure for all requirements. But there is a perfect directory structure for your business! The solution is individual, but is always based on the same basic rules.

Shown concretely using a practical example

Using a real directory structure of a company, we show you what to look out for if you:

Improve your file storage and access to business-critical files
and at the same time want to ensure the security of your data.

So it's not just about the directory structures themselves, but also about the permissions on them. And it's about how you create acceptance in the team for these changes.


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