Practice meets science: When and why data growth becomes a problem for companies

03.12.2024 | 44:53 minutes | Presenter: Thomas Gomell and Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid

About the expert webinar

The webinar on December 3, 2024 offered an exciting discussion about the challenges of data growth in companies and how a structured handling of data can help increase efficiency and reduce costs. The hosts were CEO Thomas Gomell and Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid, expert in artificial intelligence (AI) and cognitive systems.

The main contents can be summarized as follows:

The growing challenge of unstructured data

Uncontrolled data growth leads to chaotic structures that not only put a strain on storage resources, but can also cause psychological stress among employees. Prof. Dr. Schmid compared this phenomenon to a "digital hoarder syndrome". The fear of data loss contributes to data being hoarded and rarely deleted, resulting in redundant and obsolete files.

Why deletion is strategically important

Deleting data in a targeted manner brings ethical, psychological and economic advantages. Companies benefit from leaner structures, reduced costs and more efficient processes. Visualization and transparent communication are crucial to sensitizing employees to the issue and creating acceptance.

Support through AI and automation

Prof. Dr. Schmid presented the prototype deletion assistant "Dare2Del", which uses AI to identify irrelevant files and make deletion recommendations. The combination of machine learning and rule-based approaches ensures that important data (e.g. documents with legal retention periods) are not accidentally deleted.
Thomas Gomell added that a visual representation of data structures, as provided by plays a key role in performing initial major data cleanups at the directory level.

Economic Dimension of Data Cleansing

A better data structure saves time and money. Just one minute of more efficient data usage per day can result in six-figure savings per year for a medium-sized company. In addition, a reduced data volume relieves the burden on storage resources and reduces energy consumption, which is also relevant for sustainability reasons.

Implementation challenges

Changes in a company's data culture require training and transparent communication. Employees must be involved through clear rules and supporting tools. Trust and traceability are crucial to reducing resistance.


The webinar impressively demonstrated how important it is for companies to actively engage in data cleansing. Not only technical tools, but also strategic decisions and a cultural change play a role in managing data sensibly and ensuring long-term competitiveness.


Further information

If you would like to learn more about the solutions, you can find further details here:


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