With migRaven.one migrate the file server in a coordinated and flexible manner

26.07.2022/26/30 | XNUMX:XNUMX minutes | Presenters: Thomas Gomell, Thomas Erlbacher

Migrate successfully in four steps with migRaven.one

In the current migRaven.one put the practical experience and proven solution concepts from hundreds of migration projects with Windows, EMC, NetApp, DFS (AD).

Our CEO and enterprise architect Thomas Gomell personally accompanied quite a few of these projects on the file system. As a result, he knows the challenges that the Migration of data and permissions.

In this short webinar recording he introduces you seine File server best practices Migration using a four-stage migration plan migRaven.one .

In conversation with the colleaguen Thomas Erlbacher, Thomas Gomell shows you how to migrate successfully. See in the video how the central ones migRaven.24/7 Features Guide you through the four steps of the migration in a coordinated and automated manner.

  • Planning of the target structure and analysis of possible dependencies
  • The "spring cleaning" - or clean-up.
  • Coordination with the departments: determination and involvement of the data owner
  • Put together manageable migration packages and schedule migration jobs


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